The bit::matrix Class


A bit::matrix represents a matrix over GF(2) (also known as \(\mathbb{F}_2\)) the simplest Galois field that has just two elements usually denoted 0 & 1, or as booleans–true & false, or as bits–set & unset.

Arithmetic in \(\mathbb{F}_2\) is mod 2, which means that addition/subtraction becomes the XOR operation while multiplication/division becomes AND.

We often refer to an object of the type bit::matrix as a bit-matrix. It is a matrix where all the elements are 0 or 1, and arithmetic is mod 2.

A bit::matrix is stored in row-major mode where each row is a single bit::vector. Thus, arranging computations to work row by row instead of column by column is typically much more efficient. Primarily, you will be using higher-level methods and functions that consider this.

The aim is to facilitate efficient linear algebra over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) where the bit-vector class is bit::vector.

This bit-matrix class is a std::vector of rows where each row is a single bit-vector. If, instead, the primary aim was to minimize storage, one would store the bit-matrix as a single long bit-vector with appropriate index operations. However, in that case, matrix operations would often need to be done element-by-element, which is much slower than doing things block-by-block, as we do here.

Like bit-vectors, bit-matrices are sized dynamically at runtime, with the row elements packed into blocks of some unsigned integral type. That template parameter defaults to 64-bit words (it might be reasonable to use a smaller type in some scenarios).

Arbitrary \(m \times n\) bit-matrices are supported, but some functions only make sense for square matrices where \(n = m\).

The bit::matrix class has many of the same methods defined for bit::vector. We also define functions like dot(lhs, rhs) to handle matrix-vector, vector-matrix, and matrix-matrix multiplication.

There are methods to solve linear systems of equations \(A \cdot x = b\).

Danilevsky’s method to compute characteristic polynomials (and the determinant) for a bit::matrix is available and works for quite large matrices (ones with millions of entries) that would choke a naive implementation that didn’t take into account the nature of arithmetic over GF(2).


Like everything in the library, this class is in the bit namespace. We define it in the header <bit/matrix.h> as follows:

namespace bit {
        std::unsigned_integral Block = uint64_t,
        Allocator = std::allocator<Block>
    > class bit::matrix;

The two template parameters add some visual clutter, but they both have reasonable defaults and disappear in most uses.

For example, your code might have a line like:

    bit::matrix M(3,5);

This code creates a 3 x 5 matrix with 15 elements, all zeros by default.

Template Parameters

Parameter Description
Block = std::uint64_t We store individual matrix elements/bits by row and pack the rows into blocks. The default Block is an unsigned 64-bit word.
Allocator = std::allocator<Block> The default Allocator should be just fine for most purposes, but you can use a custom type to handle all memory allocation/destruction for blocks.

The default [std::unsigned] for a Block is 64-bits, the native size for many modern CPUs. Of course, if you need to use many smaller bit-matrices and have concerns about conserving space, you might use a different Block. Perhaps if the bit-matrices all fit in 32-bits, you might have code along the lines

    using matrix_type = bit::matrix<uint32_t>;
    matrix_type mat = ...
You should use just one Block type throughout your code. In theory, there is no reason that one couldn’t intermingle operations between, say, a bit::matrix<uint32_t> and a bit::vector<uint64_t>, but doing so efficiently significantly increases code complexity, and the library doesn’t support this.

Class Types

Item Description
vector_type Alias for bit::vector — the type used for matrix rows (and columns).

Instance Methods


Method Description
matrix::constructors Construct a bit-matrix in various ways.
matrix::random Construct a bit-matrix with a random fill.
matrix::from Construct a bit-matrix from a string.
matrix::ones Create a bit-matrix with all the elements set to 1.
matrix::zeros Create a bit-matrix with all the elements set to 0.
matrix::checker_board Create a bit-matrix with the elements set to a checker-board pattern.
matrix::identity Create an identity bit-matrix.
matrix::shift Create a bit-matrix that shifts a bit-vector right or left.
matrix::rotate Create a bit-matrix that rotates the elements of a bit-vector.
matrix::companion Construct a companion matrix from its top-row only.


Method Description
matrix::is_zero Is this a zero bit-matrix?
matrix::is_ones Is this bit-matrix all ones?
matrix::is_identity Is this an identity bit-matrix?
matrix::is_square Is this bit-matrix square?
matrix::is_symmetric Is this bit-matrix symmetric?

Element Access

Method Description
matrix::operator() Access a bit-matrix element, a whole row, or an entire column.
matrix::operator[] Access a bit-matrix element, a whole row, or an entire column.
matrix::row Read-write access a bit-matrix row.
matrix::col Read only access a bit-matrix column.
matrix::test Check the value of a bit-matrix element.
matrix::all Check that all the bit-matrix elements are set.
matrix::any Check if any bit-matrix elements are set.
matrix::none Check that none of the bit-matrix elements are set.
matrix::count Counts the set elements in the bit-matrix.
matrix::count_diagonal Counts the set elements on the diagonal of the bit-matrix.
matrix::trace Sum of the elements on the diagonal.
matrix::sub Extracts a bit-matrix as a distinct copy of some of the elements of this one. Note that views into a bit-matrix are not supported.
matrix::lower Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the lower triangular part of this bit-matrix.
matrix::strictly_lower Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the strictly lower triangular part of this bit-matrix.
matrix::unit_lower Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the lower triangular part of this bit-matrix but with ones on the diagonal.
matrix::upper Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the upper triangular part of this bit-matrix.
matrix::unit_upper Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the upper triangular part of this bit-matrix but with ones on the diagonal.
matrix::strictly_upper Returns a bit-matrix that is a copy of the strictly upper triangular part of this bit-matrix.


Method Description
matrix::rows The number of rows in this bit-matrix.
matrix::cols The number of columns in this bit-matrix.
matrix::size The number of elements in this bit-matrix.
matrix::empty Check whether this matrix has no elements.
matrix::row_capacity How many rows can be added to this bit-matrix without a fresh memory allocation?
matrix::col_capacity How many columns can be added to this bit-matrix without a fresh memory allocation?
matrix::shrink_to_fit Tries to reduce memory usage by freeing unused memory.


Method Description
matrix::clear Clears all the elements so rows(), cols(), and size() all become 0.
matrix::resize Resizes the bit-matrix, padding out any added values with zeros.
matrix::add_row Adds a row to the end of the bit-matrix.
matrix::add_col Adds a column to the end of the bit-matrix.
matrix::pop_row Removes the final row of the bit-matrix.
matrix::pop_col Removes the final column of the bit-matrix.
matrix::append Augments the bit-matrix in-place by appending columns from a vector or another bit-matrix on the right.
matrix::swap_rows Swap two rows.
matrix::swap_cols Swap two columns.
matrix::to_transpose Transpose a square bit-matrix in-place.
matrix::replace Replace some of the contents of the bit-matrix with other values.
matrix::set Sets all the elements to 1.
matrix::reset Sets all the elements to 0.
matrix::flip Flips the 1 values to 0 and vice versa.
matrix::flip_diagonal Flips the diagonal 1 values to 0 and vice versa.
matrix::set_diagonal Sets all the diagonal elements to 1.
matrix::reset_diagonal Sets all the diagonal elements to 0.
matrix::set_if Sets the values in a bit-matrix based on the return value from a function of each element index-pair.
matrix::flip_if Flips the values in a bit-matrix based on the return value from a function of each element index-pair.
matrix::operator&= In-place element-by-element logical AND between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator^= In-place element-by-element logical XOR between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator|= In-place element-by-element logical OR between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator-= In-place element-by-element logical DIFF between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator~ Flip all the elements in this bit-matrix.
matrix::operator+= In-place element-by-element logical XOR between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator-= In-place element-by-element logical XOR between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator*= In-place element-by-element logical AND between this bit-matrix and another of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator<<= In-place left shift of the rows in this bit-matrix.
matrix::operator>>= In-place right shift of the rows in this bit-matrix.
matrix::operator<< Returns a copy of this bit-matrix where the rows are all left shifted.
matrix::operator>> Returns a copy of this bit-matrix where the rows are all right shifted.
matrix::to_echelon_form Changes this bit-matrix in place to row echelon form.
matrix::to_reduced_echelon_form Changes this bit-matrix in place to reduced row echelon form.

String Conversions

Method Description
matrix::to_string Returns a binary string representation of this bit-matrix.
matrix::to_pretty_string Returns a formatted binary string representation of this bit-matrix.
matrix::to_hex Returns a hex string representation of this bit-matrix.
matrix::to_vector Packs this bit-matrix into a bit-vector.
matrix::description Writes some descriptive data about the bit-matrix to a stream.

Other methods

Method Description
matrix::probability_invertible Returns the probability that a “fair” square bit-matrix is invertible.
matrix::probability_singular Returns the probability that a “fair” square bit-matrix is singular.


Method Description
bit_verify This compile-time flag enables extra safety checks.
bit_verify These checks are only performed if the BIT_VERIFY flag is set at compile time.

Non-member Functions

Method Description
matrix::operator& Element-by-element logical AND between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator^ Element-by-element logical XOR between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator| Element-by-element logical OR between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator- Element-by-element logical DIFF between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator+ Element-by-element logical XOR between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator- Element-by-element logical XOR between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::operator* Element-by-element logical AND between two bit-matrices of equal dimensions.
matrix::dot Returns the dot product of a bit-matrix with a bit-vector or another bit-matrix.
matrix::append Appends this bit-matrix by adding columns from a bit-vector or another bit-matrix on the right.
matrix::join Returns an augmented bit-matrix by copying one input and then appending columns from a bit-vector or another bit-matrix on the right of that.
matrix::transpose Returns the transpose of an arbitrary rectangular bit-matrix as a new bit-matrix.
matrix::pow Raises a square bit-matrix to a power \(n\).
matrix::pow2 Raises a square bit-matrix to a power \(2^n\).
matrix::invert Attempts to return the inverse of a square bit-matrix.
matrix::echelon_form Returns the {row-echelon} form of an arbitrary bit-matrix.
matrix::reduced_echelon_form Returns the reduced {row-echelon} form of an arbitrary bit-matrix.
matrix::characteristic_polynomial Returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a square bit-matrix.
matrix::compact_frobenius_form Returns the companion matrices that are the diagonal blocks in the Frobenius form of a square bit-matrix.
matrix::print Prints multiple bit-matrices or a bit-matrix with potentially multiple bit-vectors side by side to a stream.
matrix::stream<< Stream input for bit-matrices
matrix::stream>> Stream output for bit-matrices
matrix::formatter Connect the bit::matrix class to std::format and friends.

See Also


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