bit::matrix — Descriptive Material

Dump some descriptive data about a bit-matrix to a stream.

constexpr void description(std::ostream &s, +
                           const std::string &head = "", +
1                           const std::string &foot = "\n") const;

constexpr void description(const std::string &head = "", +
2                           const std::string &foot = "\n") const;
Prints data to an arbitrary stream.
Prints the same data to std::cout.

You can send along some arbitrary text that gets prepended or appended to the description of the bit-matrix. See the example below.

The primary use for these methods is debugging.
The format of the descriptive data may change from time to time.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    auto m = bit::matrix<>::random(6);
    m.description("Random fill using a fair coin");


1Random fill using a fair coin:
bit-matrix dimension:   6 x 6
bit-matrix capacity:    6 x 64
number of set elements: 16
    100000  =  0x10_4
    111101  =  0xF2_4
    101001  =  0x52_4
    101010  =  0x51_4
    100000  =  0x10_4
    100101  =  0x92_4
The optional user-supplied header line.

See Also


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