Modular Reduction of \(x^N\) in GF(2)


Let \(P(x)\) be a nonzero polynomial of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_2\).

Any polynomial \(h(x)\) over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) can be decomposed as: \[ h(x) = q(x) P(x) + r(x), \] \(q(x)\) is the quotient polynomial for \(h(x)\), and the remainder polynomial \(r(x)\) has degree less than \(n\).

We say that \(r(x)\) is the modular reduction of \(h(x)\) by \(P(x)\) \[ r(x) = h(x)\bmod{P(x)}. \] As a shorthand, we will also use “\(\mod\)” to represent the modulo operation and write: \[ r(x) = h(x) \mod P(x) \equiv h(x)\bmod{P(x)}. \]

Power Polynomials \(x^N\)

The simplest, single-term, polynomials \(h(x) = x^N\) are of particular importance especially for cases where \(N \gg 1\).

This is because some numerical algorithms have a critical iteration step that can formally be written as: \[ \bold{v} \gets M \cdot \bold{v}, \] where \(\bold{v}\) is a bit-vector bucket of \(n\) bits and \(M\) is an \(n \times n\) bit-matrix.

For example, many well-known random number generators can be cast into this form where a state vector \(\bold{v}\) is advanced at each step before it is reduced to the next random number. We note in passing that the generator is unlikely to be coded as matrix-vector multiply in GF(2) — \(M\) is typically rather sparse and special so the iteration can be carried much more efficiently by other means. Nevertheless, the mathematical analysis of the generator will depend on the structure of \(M\).

Now suppose you want to jump very far ahead in a random number stream. This lets one start a parallel thread of computation using the same set of random numbers but so far ahead that there is no danger of overlaps. To jump \(N\) steps ahead where \(N \gg 1\) we need to compute \[ M^N \cdot \bold{v}. \] Even if \(M\) is sparse and special there usually is no easy way to compute \(M^N\).

But suppose that \(P(x)\) is the known degree \(n\) characteristic polynomial for \(M\) then the Cayley Hamilton theorem tells us that: \[ P(M) = 0. \] We can use that as follows — first, express \(x^N\) as \[ x^N = q(x)P(x) + r(x), \] then using Cayley Hamilton we get \[ M^N = q(M)P(M) + r(M) = r(M). \] So we can replace \(M^N\) by \(r(M)\) where the degree of \(r\) is less than \(n\) and typically \(N \gg n\).

Thus, once we know \(r(x) = x^N \mod P(x)\), we can jump \(N\) steps ahead in the algorithm by computing the inexpensive polynomial sum \(r(M)\).

For more details see this paper.

An Iterative Technique for \(x^N \mod P(x)\)

\(P(x)\) has degree \(n\) so there is a polynomial \(p(x)\) of degree less than \(n\) such that \[ P(x) = p(x) + x^n = p_0 + p_1 x + \cdots + p_{n-1} x^{n-1} + x^n. \] \(p(x)\) can be represented as the vector of its coefficients: \[ p(x) \sim \bold{p} = \lbrack p_0 p_1 \ldots p_{n-1} \rbrack . \]

There are three cases to consider as we compute \(x^N \mod P(x)\).

Case \(N < n\):

If \(N < n\) then \(P(x)\) does not divide \(x^N\) so \[ x^N \mod P(x) = x^N. \] Defining \(\bold{u}_N\) as the unit bit-vector of size \(n\), which is all zeros except for a one in the \(N^{\mathrm{th}}\) slot, we can write: \[ x^N \mod P(x) \sim \bold{u}_N \text{ if } N < n. \]

Case \(N = n\):

In this case \(P(x) = p(x) + x^N\) so \(x^N = P(x) - p(x)\).

Therefore \[ x^N \mod P(x) = -p(x). \] In \(\mathbb{F}_2\) we can ignore that minus sign and write \[ x^N \mod P(x) \sim \bold{p} \text{ if } N = n. \]

Case \(N > n\):

It remains to determine \(x^N \mod P(x)\) for \(N > n\).

Now any polynomial \(h(x)\) over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) can be written as some multiple of \(P(x)\) plus a remainder term: \[ h(x) = q(x) P(x) + r(x) \] where the quotient \(q(x)\) and remainder \(r(x)\) are polynomials over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) and the degree of \(r(x)\) is strictly less than \(n\). \[ r(x) \equiv h(x) \mod P(x) \]

Suppose we already know the explicit form for \(r(x) = h(x) \mod P(x)\) \[ r(x) = r_0 + r_1 x + \cdots + r_{n-2} x^{n-2} + r_{n-1} x^{n-1}. \] That is, we know the elements in the bit-vector of coefficients for \(r(x)\) \[ r(x) \sim \bold{r} = \lbrack r_0 r_1 \ldots r_{n-1} \rbrack. \]

Now \[ x\,h(x) = x\,q(x) P(x) + x\,r(x) \implies x\,h(x) \mod P(x) = x\,r(x) \mod P(x). \] Thus \[ x\,h(x) \mod P(x) = \left(r_0 x + r_1 x^2 + \cdots + r_{n-2} x^{n-1}\right) \mod P(x) + r_{n-1} x^n \mod P(x). \] Using our two known cases for \(N < n\) and \(N = n\) we get \[ x\,h(x) \mod P(x) \sim \lbrack 0 r_0 \ldots r_{n-2} \rbrack + r_{n-1} \bold{p}. \] Thus if we know that \(h(x) \mod P(x) \sim \bold{r}\) then \[ x\,h(x) \mod P(x) \sim (\bold{r} \gg 1 ) \; \wedge \; r_{n-1} \bold{p}. \] Here \(\bold{r} \gg 1\) means we shift \(\bold{r}\) one place to the right and introduce a zero on the left.


Using the notation \[ x^N \mod P(x) = r^N(x) \sim \bold{r}^N, \] where \(\bold{r}^N\) is a bit-vector of size \(n\): \[ \bold{r}^N = \lbrack r^N_0 r^N_1 \ldots r^N_{n-1} \rbrack, \] we can compute \(\bold{r}^N\) directly for small values of \(N\) and iteratively for larger values of \(N\): \[ \bold{r}^N = \begin{cases} \bold{u}_N & \text{ for } N < n \\ \bold{p} & \text{ for } N = n \\ \left(\bold{r}^{N-1} \gg 1 \right) \; \wedge \; r_{n-1}^{N-1} \, \bold{p} & \text{ for } N > n \end{cases} \]

A Multiply & Square Technique for \(x^N \mod P(x)\)

For cases of practical interest where \(N \gg 1\), the iterative scheme outlined above is much too slow.

We can speed it up considerably by using a “multiply & square” approach — there are variations on the theme but observe that we can always write: \[ x^N = \begin{cases} x \, \left( x^{\frac{N-1}{2}} \right)^2 & N \text{ odd,} \\ \left( x^{\frac{N}{2}} \right)^2 & N \text{ even.} \end{cases} \] Of course, in our case, we want to compute \(x^N \mod P(x)\) as opposed to just computing the value of \(x^N\) but we can still borrow one of the fast exponentiation techniques described here or more comprehensively in Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2.

To see that, we first note that if \(f\) and \(g\) are polynomials over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) where \[ \begin{align} f(x) \mod P(x) &= r_f(x), \\ g(x) \mod P(x) &= r_g(x) \end{align} \] then it is easily verified that \[ f(x) g(x) \mod P(x) = r_f(x) r_g(x) \mod P(x). \] So while the product polynomial \(f(x) g(x)\) may have a very high degree, we can always just work with the much simpler product \(r_f(x) r_g(x)\) whose degree is at most \(2n -2\).

In our case, suppose we already know \(r(x) = x^k \mod P(x)\) for some power \(k\) i.e. we know the coefficients \(\bold{r}\) of the polynomial \(r(x)\): \[ r(x) \sim \bold{r} = [r_0 r_1 \ldots r_{n-1}]. \] To get to \(x^N \mod P(x)\) from there, the multiply and square algorithm requires two procedures:

Step Procedure
MultiplyStep \(\bold{r} \gets x r(x) \mod P(x)\)
SquareStep \(\bold{r} \gets r(x)^2 \mod P(x)\)

With those in place we can proceed as follows (this is just a sketch):

\begin{algorithm} \caption{Modular Reduction of $x^N$} \begin{algorithmic} \Require $\mathbf{p}$, a bit-vector of size $n$, where $P(x) = x^n + p(x)$ and $\mathbf{p} \sim p(x)$. Unchanged on output. \Require $\mathbf{r}$, a destination bit-vector of size $n$. On output $\mathbf{r} \sim r(x) = x^N \mid P(x)$. \Procedure{reduce}{$N$, $\mathbf{p}$} \State $\mathbf{r} \gets \mathbf{0}$ \State $r_1 = 1$ \While{$N > 0$} \If{$N \text{ mod } 2 = 1$} \State \Call{MultiplyStep}{$\mathbf{r}$} \EndIf \State \Call{SquareStep}{$\mathbf{r}$} \State $N \gets N \gg 1$ \EndWhile \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}

Of course, the actual code handles the decomposition of \(P(x)\) into the \(x^n + p(x)\) and manages edge cases such as \(P(x) = 1\). It also handles the trivial cases where \(N \le n\), and for larger values of \(N\) uses its binary representation in the main loop. Nevertheless, the sketch shows the importance of the two sub-procedures, MultiplyStep and SquareStep which we discuss next.

The Multiply Step

If \(q(x)\) is a polynomial of degree less than \(n\) so that \[ q(x) \mod P(x) = q(x), \] then the following procedure performs the step \[ q(x) \gets x q(x) \mod P(x), \] where \(q(x)\) is represented by the bit-vector of its \(n\) coefficients \(\bold{q} = [q_0, q_1, \ldots, q_{n-1}]\).

\begin{algorithm} \caption{The step: $q(x) \gets x q(x) \mid P(x)$.} \begin{algorithmic} \Require $\mathbf{p} \sim p(x)$ is a known bit-vector of size $n$, where $P(x) = x^n + p(x)$. \Require $\mathbf{q}$ is a bit-vector of size $n > 0$. \Procedure{MultiplyStep}{$\mathbf{q}$} \State $tmp \gets q_{n-1}$ \State $\mathbf{q} \gets \mathbf{q} \gg 1$ \If {$tmp$} \State $\mathbf{q} \gets \mathbf{q} \wedge \mathbf{p}$ \EndIf \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}

The Square Step

In GF(2) if a polynomial \(q(x)\) is represented by the coefficient bit-vector \(\bold{q} = [q_0, q_1, q_2, \ldots, q_{n-1}]\): \[ q(x) = q_0 + q_1 x + q_2 x^2 + \ldots q_{n-1} x^{n-1}, \] one can easily show that \[ q(x)^2 = q_0 + q_1 x^2 + q_2 x^4 + \cdots + q_{n-1} x^{2n-2}, \] so \(s(x) = q(x)^2\) is represented by riffling the bit-vector \(\bold{q}\) \[ s(x) = q(x)^2 \sim \bold{s} = [q_0, 0, q_1, 0, q_2, \ldots, 0, q_{n-1}], \] i.e. the bit-vector we get by interspersing the elements of \(\bold{q}\) with zeros.

Riffling can be done very efficiently block by block and the library has a riffled(...) method which takes a bit-vector \(\bold{q}\) and fills a destination bit-vector \(\bold{s}\) with a riffled version of \(\bold{q}\).

The library also has a method split(...) that takes a bit-vector \(\bold{s}\), a number \(n\), and then fills two other bit-vectors \(\bold{l}\) and \(\bold{h}\) where \(\bold{l}\) gets the first \(n\) elements in \(\bold{v}\) and \(\bold{h}\) gets the rest. \[ \begin{align} \bold{l} &= [s_0, s_1, \ldots, s_{n-1}], \\ \bold{h} &= [s_n, s_{n+1}, \dots]. \end{align} \] In polynomial terms this is equivalent to the decomposition: \[ s(x) = l(x) + x^n \, h(x), \] where the degree of \(l(x)\) is less than \(n\).

Given that \(s(x) = q(x)^2\) we have \[ q(x)^2 \mod P(x) = s(x) \mod P(x) = l(x) \mod P(x) + x^n h(x) \mod P(x), \] and because the degree of \(l(x)\) is less than \(n\) we have \[ q(x)^2 \mod P(x) = l(x) + x^n h(x) \mod P(x). \] Writing \(h(x)\) as \[ h(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} h_i x^i \] it follows that \[ q(x)^2 \mod P(x) = l(x) + \sum_{i=0}^{n} h_i x^{n + i} \mod P(x). \] Define the bit-vectors \(\bold{x}^i\) by the equivalence: \[ \bold{x}^i \sim x^{n+i} \mid P(x) \text{ for } i = 0, \ldots, n-1. \] Now we know that \(x^n \mod P(x) = p(x)\) so \[ \bold{x}^0 = \bold{p}. \] With that starting point, we can easily fill in bit vectors \(\bold{x}^i\) for \(i = 1, \ldots, n-1\) by using Algorithm 2.

The squaring step looks like the following:

\begin{algorithm} \caption{The step: $q(x) \gets q(x)^2 \mid P(x)$.} \begin{algorithmic} \Require $\mathbf{p} \sim p(x)$ is a known bit-vector of size $n$, where $P(x) = x^n + p(x)$. \Require $\mathbf{x}^i$ are known bit-vectors, where $\mathbf{x}^i \sim x^{n+i} \mid P(x)$. \Require $\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{l}$ and $\mathbf{h}$ are available workspace bit-vectors. \Require $\mathbf{q}$ is a bit-vector of size $n > 0$. \Procedure{SquareStep}{$\mathbf{q}$} \State // \textit{Riffle $\mathbf{q}$ into $\mathbf{s}$.} \State \Call{riffle}{$\mathbf{q}$, $\mathbf{s}$} \State // \textit{Fill $\mathbf{l}$ with a copy of the first $n$ elements from $\mathbf{s}$ and $\mathbf{h}$ with the rest.} \State \Call{split}{$\mathbf{s}$, $n$, $\mathbf{l}$, $\mathbf{h}$} \State $\mathbf{q} \gets \mathbf{l}$ \For {$i \gets 0, n-1$} \If{$h_i$} \State $\mathbf{q} \gets \mathbf{q} \wedge \mathbf{x}^i$ \EndIf \EndFor \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}

Some efficiencies can easily be implemented in that algorithm’s loop as, for example, at most every second element in \(\bold{h}\) is ever set.

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