The bit::lu Class


A bit::lu object computes the LU decomposition for a square \(n \times n\) bit-matrix \(A\). Formally, we write: \[ P \cdot A = L \cdot U, \] where \(P\) is the permutation matrix, \(U\) is an upper-triangular bit-matrix, and \(L\) is a unit-lower-triangular bit-matrix.

In practice, \(L\) and \(U\) are packed compactly into an \(n \times n\) bit-matrix, and the permutation “matrix” is stored as a vector.


Like everything in the library, this class is in the bit namespace.
We define it in the header <bit/lu.h> as follows:

namespace bit {
        std::unsigned_integral Block = uint64_t,
        Allocator = std::allocator<Block>
    > class lu;

See the documentation for bit::vector and bit::matrix for more information on the two template parameters.

Class Types

Item Description
vector_type An alias for bit::vector
matrix_type An alias for bit::matrix

Instance Methods


Method Description
lu::constructors Create a lu object for a bit-matrix \(A\).


Method Description
lu::singular Is the underlying bit-matrix singular?
lu::non_singular Is the underlying bit-matrix non-singular?
lu::determinant What is the determinant of the underlying bit-matrix?
lu::rank What is the rank of the underlying bit-matrix?

The Decomposition

Method Description
lu::L Returns \(L\) where \(P \cdot A = L \cdot U\).
lu::U Returns \(L\) where \(P \cdot A = L \cdot U\).
lu::LU Returns \(L\) & \(U\) packed into a compact form.
lu::permutation_vector Returns a vector that is a compact representation of the permutation matrix \(P\).
lu::row_swaps Returns an alternative, more generally applicable, representation of that permutation vector.
lu::permute Apply the row permutations from the LU decomposition to another bit-vector or bit-matrix
lu::operator() Use the decomposition to quickly solve a system \(A \cdot x = b\) or multiple systems \(A \cdot x = B\) for each column of \(B\).
lu::invert Use the decomposition to invert the matrix \(A\)
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