bit::lu — Row Permutations

If lu was constructed from the bit-matrix \(A\) so that \[ P \cdot A = L \cdot U. \] We provide access to the permutation matrix \(P\) in two different compact forms, and the action of \(P\) on bit-matrices and bit-vectors.

1std::vector<std::size_t> row_swaps() const;
2std::vector<std::size_t> permutation_vector() const;

3constexpr void permute(bit::vector &b) const;
4constexpr void permute(bit::matrix &B) const;
Returns \(P\) in row-swaps instruction form (see below).
Returns \(P\) as a vector of permuted indices.
Applies the permutation \(P\) to the elements of an input bit-vector in-place.
Applies the permutation \(P\) to the rows of an input bit-matrix in-place.

A permutation matrix \(P\) is just some row permutation of the identity matrix, so it has a single non-zero, 1, entry in each row or column. You don’t need to store the entire \(N \times N\) matrix but instead store the locations of those 1’s.

In the literature, the permutation matrix is often given as a permutation of the index vector \([0,1,2,3,\ldots]\). For example, the permutation vector \([0, 2, 1, 4, 3]\) tells you that elements/rows 1 and 2 are swapped, as are elements/rows 3 and 4. This form is easy to interpret at a glance. However, it is tedious to use as a guide to executing the permutations in place!

The venerableLAPACK software instead uses an equally compact scheme to store \(P\) that looks odd at first but is much easier to use if you want to permute rows/elements of matrices/vectors in place.

This row-swaps scheme gives swapping instructions to be applied one after the other. Our example in this format becomes \([0, 2, 2, 4, 4]\). This vector can be interpreted as no swap on row 0, followed by a swap of rows 1 and 2, then no further swap on row 2, followed by a swap of rows 3 and 4, and finally, no further swap on row 4.

Internally, we store and use \(P\) in the row-swaps instruction form. The index permutation form is provided only for informational purposes.

See Also


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