The bit::gauss Class


We use a bit::gauss object to find solutions for the system of linear equations \(A \cdot x = b\) over \(\mathbb{F}_2\).

Here, \(A\) is a known bit-matrix, \(b\) is a known right-hand side bit-vector, and \(x\) is the unknown solution to the system. \(A\) should be square, and the size of the \(b\) should match the number of rows in \(A\).

As the name suggests, the solution method is Gaussian elimination, specifically Gauss-Jordan elimination.

On construction, the bit::gauss object captures copies of \(A\) and \(b\). Then, it uses elementary row operations to transform the left-hand side matrix to reduced row echelon form while simultaneously performing identical operations to the right-hand side vector. With those in place, the solver can quickly produce solutions \(x\) by simple back-substitution.

As well as getting solutions for the system \(A \cdot x = b\), the bit::gauss object can be queried for other helpful information, such as the rank of \(A\), whether the system is consistent (i.e., whether any solutions exist), and so on. See the complete list below.

Recognizing that often one wants to find a solution to \(A \cdot x = b\) with a minimum of palaver, there is a non-member function to do just that. It can be invoked as follows:

auto x = bit::solve(A,b);
if(x) {

The x here is a bit-vector wrapped in a std::optional. If no solution exists, x will be a std::nullopt; otherwise, it can be dereferenced as a bit::vector.

Multiple Solutions

A system of linear equations over \(\R\) has either no solutions, one solution, or infinite solutions. The latter situation arises if the system is under-determined so that there is one or more free variables.

Generally, if you have \(m\) independent and consistent equations for \(n\) unknowns and \(n>m\), there are \(f=n-m\) free variables. Reducing the matrix to echelon form lets you determine how many independent equations exist and quickly check that the system is consistent. Over \(\R\), a free variable can take on any value; hence, there are infinite possible solutions to the system.

Over \(\mathbb{F}_2\), the situation is different because a free variable can only take on one of the values 0 and 1. Hence, if the system is consistent and has \(f\) free variables, it will have \(2^f\) possible solutions. So, if no free variables exist, a consistent system will have one unique solution.

That x in the above example will be one of those \(2^f\) possible solutions randomly picked. We also provide a way to iterate through many possible solutions (not necessarily all of them because if \(f\) is large, the number of potential solutions will explode).

If solver is a bit::gauss for the consistent system \(A \cdot x = b\) with \(f\) free variables, then the call solver() will return one of the possible \(2^f\) solutions picked entirely randomly (calling solver() again may return a different but equally valid solution). On the other hand, a call to solver(n), where n is a std::size_t and \(n < 2^f\), will produce a specific solution. There are many ways to produce an ordering amongst the possible solutions, but in any case, calling the solver(n) will always return the same solution.


Like everything in the library, this class is in the bit namespace.
It is defined in the header <bit/gauss.h> as follows:

namespace bit {
        std::unsigned_integral Block = uint64_t,
        Allocator = std::allocator<Block>
    > class gauss;

See the documentation for bit::vector and bit::matrix for more information on the two template parameters.

Class Types

Item Description
vector_type An alias for bit::vector
matrix_type An alias for bit::matrix
location_type std::vector<std::size_t> — index locations of the free variables

Instance Methods


Method Description
gauss::constructors Construct a gauss for a system \(A \cdot x = b\).


Method Description
gauss::equation_count Return the number of equations in the system — the number of rows in the bit-matrix \(A\).
gauss::is_consistent Return true if the system of equations is consistent and solvable.
gauss::free_count Return the number of free variables in the system.
gauss::solution_count Return the number of solutions to the system we can directly address.
gauss::rank Return the rank of the bit-matrix \(A\).

Access to the Echelon Form

Method Description
gauss::lhs Read access to the reduced row echelon form for \(A\).
gauss::rhs Read access to the equivalently manipulated version of \(b\).
gauss::operator() Return a random solution amongst all the possible solutions for the system \(A \cdot x = b\).
gauss::operator(i) Return a specific solution (solution number i if you like) for the system \(A \cdot x = b\).

Non-member Functions

Method Description
bit::solve Function that implicitly creates a gauss object and then uses it to try and return a single solution for the system \(A \cdot x = b\). The gauss object does not live on after the call.
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