bit::matrix — Bit-Matrix Inversion

We have a non-member function that attempts to invert a square bit-matrix.

template<std::unsigned_integral Block, typename Allocator>
std::optional<matrix<Block, Allocator>>
bit::invert(const matrix<Block, Allocator> &M);

If this method succeeds, it will return \(M^{-1}\) wrapped in a std::optional. If the input matrix \(M\) is singular, it will return std::nullopt instead.

Randomly filled matrices over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) are likely to be singular. In fact, for matrices that are \(10 \times 10\) or larger, there is a 71% chance the matrix is singular if the elements were set by flipping fair coins. Contrast that to matrices over the reals where, mathematically at least, matrices are almost surely invertible (though the numerics of the situation may not be so sure).
The input matrix must be square, and, if the BIT_VERIFY flag is set at compile time, the bit_verify macro checks that pre-condition.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
1    auto A = bit::matrix<>::rotate(8);
    auto B = bit::invert(A);
    if(B) {
        std::cout << "bit::matrix, its inverse, their product:\n";
        bit::print(A,*B, bit::dot(A,*B));
    else {
        std::cout << "bit::matrix:\n" << A << "\n" << "Is singular!\n";
The product of A and any 8-element bit-vector will rotate the elements in the vector one place to the left — see matrix::rotate. Obviously, A is invertible, so B exists and acts on bit-vectors by rotating their elements one place to the right.


bit::matrix, its inverse, their product:
00000001        01000000        10000000
10000000        00100000        01000000
01000000        00010000        00100000
00100000        00001000        00010000
00010000        00000100        00001000
00001000        00000010        00000100
00000100        00000001        00000010
00000010        10000000        00000001

See Also


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