bit::matrix — Probability of Inversion

We provide class methods that calculate the probability that a square bit-matrix with a fair fill is invertible or singular.

1double bit::matrix<>::probability_invertible(std::size_t n);
2double bit::matrix<>::probability_singular(std::size_t n);
Returns the probability that an \(n \times n\) bit-matrix filled by flipping fair coins is invertible.
Returns the probability that an \(n \times n\) bit-matrix filled by flipping fair coins is singular (i.e. non-invertible).
We throw an exception if the parameter n is zero.

The simplest case is a \(1 \times 1\) matrix \(A = [a_{11}]\). As \(a_{11}\) is either 0 or 1, \(A\) is invertible 50% of the time if the fill is fair.

One can show that any \(n \times n\) bit-matrix with a fair random fill of zeros and ones has the following probability of being invertible: \[ p(n) = \prod_{k = 1}^{n} (1 - 2^{-k}). \] Now \(\lim\limits_{n \to \infty} p(n) \approx 0.289\) and that limit is reached quickly. Bit-matrices \(10 \times 10\) or larger have a roughly 71% chance of being singular if the matrix elements were set by flipping fair coins.

Contrast that to real-valued matrices where, mathematically at least, matrices are almost certainly invertible (of course, the numerics of the situation over \(\R\) may not be so sure).

Example — Create lots of \(N \times N\) matrices and see how many are singular

#include <bit/bit.h>
1    std::size_t N = 100;
2    std::size_t trials = 1000;
    std::size_t fails = 0;
    for (std::size_t trial = 0; trial < trials; ++trial) {
3        auto A = bit::matrix<>::random(N, N);
4        auto B = bit::invert(A);
5        if (!B) ++fails;
    auto p = bit::matrix<>::probability_singular(N);
6    std::cout << "Matrix size: " << N << " x " << N << "\n"
              << "P[singular]: " << 100 * p << "%\n"
              << "Trials:      " << trials << "\n"
              << "No inverse:  " << fails << " times\n"
              << "Expected:    " << int(p * double(trials)) << " times\n";

    return 0;
We will create an \(N \times N\) matrix in each trial.
Run this number of trials.
Each matrix is filled at random by flipping fair coins.
Then, we attempt to invert the matrix.
We count the number of times the inversion fails–i.e., how often the matrix is singular.
Print the outcome of the trials and compare those to the expectation.

Output (actual numbers vary from run to run)

Matrix size: 100 x 100
P[singular]: 71.1212%
Trials:      1000
No inverse:  703 times
Expected:    711 times

See Also


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