bit::matrix — Characteristic Polynomial

Finds the characteristic polynomial of a square bit-matrix.

bit::vector<Block, Allocator>
characteristic_polynomial(const matrix<Block, Allocator>& A);

Returns a bit-vector p where the characteristic polynomial for the bit-matrix \(A\) is given by \[ p(\lambda) = p_0 + p_1 \lambda + p_2 \lambda^2 + \cdots \] The bit-matrix must be non-empty and square; otherwise, the method throws a std::invalid_argument exception.

Danilevsky’s algorithm is used to compute the characteristic polynomial. We coded the algorithm considering the nature of arithmetic over \(\mathbb{F}_2\), which means that the characteristic polynomial of large bit-matrices can be efficiently computed — even for those with millions of entries that would choke more naive implementations.

Example — identity matrices

#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
1    for(std::size_t i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
        auto M = bit::matrix<>::identity(i);
        auto p = bit::characteristic_polynomial(M);
        std::cout << "Char-poly for the "
                  << i << " x " << i << " identity: " << bit::polynomial(p) << '\n';
We generate identity matrices from 1 x 1 to 7 x 7 and get the characteristic polynomial in each case.


Char-poly for the 1 x 1 identity: 1 + x^1
Char-poly for the 2 x 2 identity: 1 + x^2
Char-poly for the 3 x 3 identity: 1 + x^1 + x^2 + x^3
Char-poly for the 4 x 4 identity: 1 + x^4
Char-poly for the 5 x 5 identity: 1 + x^1 + x^4 + x^5
Char-poly for the 6 x 6 identity: 1 + x^2 + x^4 + x^6
Char-poly for the 7 x 7 identity: 1 + x^1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6 + x^7

We can easily verify these.

For example, if we consider the 7 x 7 identity matrix, it is clear that the characteristic polynomial is given by \[ p(\lambda) = (\lambda - 1)^7 = \lambda ^7-7 \lambda ^6+21 \lambda ^5-35 \lambda ^4+35 \lambda ^3-21 \lambda ^2+7 \lambda -1 \] In \(\mathbb{F}_2\), even coefficients are zero, and odd ones, whether positive or negative, are one, so \(p(\lambda)\) becomes \[ p(\lambda) = \lambda ^7 + \lambda ^6 + \lambda ^5 + \lambda ^4 + \lambda ^3 + \lambda ^2 + \lambda + 1 \] Therefore, we expect to get the \(\mathbb{F}_2\) coefficients as 11111111, which agrees with the output above.

Example Bit-matrices should satisfy their characteristic polynomial

#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    // For this example - turn off BIT_VERIFY and enable optimization here!
1    auto M = bit::matrix<>::random(512);
    auto p = bit::characteristic_polynomial(M);
    std::cout << "Characteristic polynomial:\n" << p << "\n\n";
2    auto C = p(M);
    std::cout << "Does the bit-matrix satisfy its characteristic polynomial? "
              << (C.none() ? "YES" : "NO") << '\n';
Pay attention to the comment! We can handle much larger matrices, but you must enable compiler optimizations.
All matrices should satisfy their characteristic polynomial so \(p(M)\) should return the zero bit-matrix.


Characteristic polynomial:
x^1 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6 + x^8 + x^11 + x^12 + x^15 + x^18 + x^20 + x^22 + x^24 + x^27 + x^29 + x^30 + x^31 + x^33 + x^34 + x^35 + x^37 + x^38 + x^39 + x^40 + x^41 + x^42 + x^43 + x^45 + x^46 + x^49 + x^50 + x^51 + x^52 + x^53 + x^54 + x^56 + x^57 + x^63 + x^64 + x^65 + x^66 + x^67 + x^70 + x^74 + x^75 + x^76 + x^77 + x^79 + x^81 + x^87 + x^90 + x^91 + x^93 + x^96 + x^97 + x^98 + x^101 + x^104 + x^105 + x^106 + x^111 + x^112 + x^115 + x^119 + x^120 + x^121 + x^122 + x^127 + x^128 + x^129 + x^130 + x^133 + x^135 + x^140 + x^142 + x^144 + x^145 + x^147 + x^148 + x^151 + x^153 + x^154 + x^157 + x^158 + x^159 + x^162 + x^163 + x^164 + x^165 + x^166 + x^171 + x^172 + x^176 + x^177 + x^178 + x^179 + x^180 + x^181 + x^182 + x^186 + x^188 + x^189 + x^191 + x^193 + x^194 + x^196 + x^197 + x^198 + x^201 + x^203 + x^206 + x^210 + x^211 + x^220 + x^221 + x^222 + x^226 + x^227 + x^228 + x^229 + x^230 + x^233 + x^235 + x^236 + x^238 + x^239 + x^240 + x^242 + x^247 + x^250 + x^251 + x^256 + x^257 + x^258 + x^260 + x^261 + x^262 + x^264 + x^265 + x^268 + x^269 + x^270 + x^273 + x^274 + x^278 + x^279 + x^280 + x^282 + x^283 + x^284 + x^285 + x^286 + x^289 + x^292 + x^293 + x^295 + x^296 + x^297 + x^298 + x^306 + x^307 + x^309 + x^314 + x^316 + x^320 + x^324 + x^326 + x^328 + x^330 + x^331 + x^334 + x^335 + x^336 + x^337 + x^341 + x^342 + x^343 + x^345 + x^347 + x^350 + x^351 + x^352 + x^357 + x^360 + x^365 + x^366 + x^369 + x^372 + x^373 + x^376 + x^377 + x^378 + x^379 + x^380 + x^381 + x^382 + x^383 + x^385 + x^386 + x^387 + x^388 + x^389 + x^393 + x^397 + x^400 + x^401 + x^402 + x^405 + x^406 + x^408 + x^409 + x^410 + x^412 + x^413 + x^414 + x^415 + x^417 + x^418 + x^429 + x^431 + x^434 + x^435 + x^436 + x^438 + x^439 + x^441 + x^443 + x^444 + x^445 + x^447 + x^450 + x^451 + x^452 + x^453 + x^455 + x^457 + x^458 + x^459 + x^460 + x^461 + x^463 + x^464 + x^465 + x^468 + x^470 + x^471 + x^472 + x^473 + x^475 + x^480 + x^481 + x^482 + x^483 + x^487 + x^488 + x^490 + x^492 + x^493 + x^498 + x^499 + x^501 + x^502 + x^503 + x^506 + x^509 + x^512

Does the bit-matrix satisfy its characteristic polynomial? YES

See Also


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