The xso::generator Class


xso::generator is the template class that can be used to make any xoshiro/xoroshiro variant. It connects a State with a Scrambler to create a pseudorandom number generator.

The xoshiro.h header file has several predefined type aliased instantiations of the general template class. Use xso::rng64 and xso::rng32 to access the recommended default state engines and output functions for 64-bit and 32-bit outputs. The overall default xso::rng is a synonym for xso::rng64.


The generator class is in the xso namespace and is declared as follows:

namespace xso {
    template<typename State, typename Scrambler> class generator;

The State holds the bits of state and has methods to get, set, and advance that state.
The Scrambler is a functor that reduces the state to a single 32-bit or 64-bit unsigned integer output word.

Template Parameters

The xso::generator expects the State to implement the following class and instance methods:

State: Required Class Types & Methods

Type/Method Description
word_type The state consists of words of this type.
word_count Class method that should return the number of words of state.
bit_count Class method that should return the number of bits of state.
xso_name Class method that should return a name for the engine.
characteristic_coefficients Class method that should return the precomputed characteristic polynomial.

State: Required Instance Methods

Method Description
seed Method to set the state.
get_state Method to copy the current state to a destination.
operator[] Method to provide read-only access to the individual words of state.
step Method to advance the state by one step.
Any xso::generator satisfies all requirements of the State concept. This is useful as some functions work naturally on a State, but you can pass the generator along in its place as a proxy.

The xso::generator expects the Scrambler to implement the following methods:

Scrambler: Required Methods

Method Description
xso_name Class method that should return a name for the output function.
operator() Instance method to reduce the passed state to a single word.

The generator uses these types and methods as described next.

Class Types and Methods

Type/Method Description
state_type TheState template type.
scrambler_type TheScrambler template type.
word_type The state bits are packed into words of this type.
word_count Returns the number of words of state.
bit_count Returns the number of bits of state.
result_type Each generator() call returns a single integer of this type.
min Returns the smallest value the generator can produce.
max Returns the largest value the generator can produce.
xso_name Class method that returns a name for the generator.
characteristic_coefficients Class method that returns the precomputed characteristic polynomial..

Instance Methods

Method Description
constructors Construct and seed a generator in various ways.
seed Set the generator state in various ways.
get_state Read access to the whole state.
operator[] Read access to one word of state.
step Advance the generator’s state by one step.
operator() Reduce the current state to a single result_type word and advance by one step.
sample Use the generator to extract a sample from various sources.
index Use the generator to pick an index from a range.
flip Use the generator to flip a coin.
roll Use the generator to roll a die.
shuffle Use the generator to shuffle the elements of an iteration or container.
discard Discard some iterations of the generator.

Non-member Functions

Always Available

Function Description
jump_coefficients Compute the coefficients of a jump polynomial that can be used to efficiently jump a generator or State ahead by a potentially huge number of steps.
jump This function uses the output of jump_coefficients to efficiently jump a generator or State ahead by a potentially huge number of steps.
stream<< Stream output for the generator, State, and Scrambler classes.
formatter Connect the generator, State, and Scrambler classes to std::format and friends.

Depending on the bit Library

If the bit library is available, extra non-member functions will be defined.

bit is a C++ library for doing linear algebra over GF(2) the simplest field of two elements \(\{0,1\}\), where the usual arithmetic operations are performed mod 2. The bit library is header only, so it is easily incorporated into any application.

If it is available, then xoshiro.h defines some extra functions:

Function Description
transition_matrix Returns the transition matrix for a State as a bit::matrix.
characteristic_polynomial Returns the transition matrix’s characteristic polynomial as a bit::polynomial.
jump_polynomial Returns a jump polynomial that can be used to efficiently jump a State ahead by a potentially huge number of steps.
jump Use a jump-polynomial to jump a State ahead in its stream efficiently.
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