xso::generator — Coin Flips & Dice Rolls

We have a method that returns the result of flipping a possibly biased coin and another that returns the result of rolling a fair dice with an arbitrary number of sides:

1constexpr bool flip(double p = 0.5);
2constexpr int  roll(int n = 6);
Returns the result of flipping a coin where p is the probability of getting a true result.
Returns an integer in the range \([1, n]\), where each number is equally likely to be returned.


#include <xoshiro.h>
int main()
    xso::rng gen;
    std::size_t n_trials = 600'000;
    std::size_t count = 0;
    for(std::size_t n = 0; n < n_trials; ++n) if(gen.flip()) count++;
    std::cout << count << " heads from " << n_trials << " fair coin flips.\n";

    count = 0;
    for(std::size_t n = 0; n < n_trials; ++n) if(gen.roll() == 4) count++;
    std::cout << count << " fours from " << n_trials << " six-sided dice rolls.\n";

Output: Varies from run to run

299620 heads from 600000 fair coin flips.
100061 fours from 600000 six-sided dice rolls.

See Also


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