

A State class holds the words of state and has methods to get, set, and advance that state.

Our xso::generator class takes a State template parameter.
It expects that State to implement the following class and instance methods:

Required Class Types & Methods

Type/Method Description
word_type The state consists of words of this type.
word_count Class method that should return the number of words of state.
bit_count Class method that should return the number of bits of state.
xso_name Class method that should return a name for the engine.
characteristic_coefficients Class method that should return the precomputed characteristic polynomial.

Required Instance Methods

Method Description
seed Method to set the state.
get_state Method to copy the current state to a destination.
operator[] Method to provide read-only access to the individual words of state.
step Method to advance the state by one step.
Any xso::generator satisfies all requirements of the State concept. This is useful as some functions work naturally on a State, but you can pass the generator along in its place as a proxy.

Our State Classes

We provide two different State template classes in the xso namespace:

template<std::size_t N, std::unsigned_integral T, uint8_t A, uint8_t B, uint8_t C>
1class xso::xoroshiro;

template<std::size_t N, std::unsigned_integral T, uint8_t A, uint8_t B>
2class xso::xoshiro;
This state type implements the xoroshiro style of state advancement.
This state type implements the xoshiro style of state advancement.

Template Parameters

Parameter Description
N There are N words of state.
T The words of state are this type of unsigned integer.
In practice either std::uint32_t or std::uint64_t.
A, B, C Parameters used in the engine’s step method that advances the state.
The xso::xoroshiro engine can have arbitrary size — i.e. the N parameter can be anything, and its step method will still work. However, the xso::xoshiro engine has a hand-coded step method, which currently only works for the two cases, N = 4, and N = 8.

Class Types and Methods

Item Description
word_type The type for the words of state: T.
word_count The number of state words: N.
bit_count The number of state bits: N * std::numeric_limits<T>::digits.
xso_name Returns a name for the engine, which incorporates all the template parameters.
characteristic_coefficients Returns the precomputed coefficients of the engine’s characteristic polynomial in a compact array format.
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  1. As well as the state array, the xoroshiro engine has some extra “housekeeping” members. That non-state data is not counted by the bit_count method.
  2. The name returned by the xso_name() class method might look like xoshiro<4x32,6,4>.
  3. We have precomputed the characteristic polynomial for all the recommended type aliased States. Calling the characteristic_coefficients method for any other State will cause an exception.

Instance Methods

Item Description
seed(const state_type& src) Sets the state by copying the src argument.
get_state(state_type& dst) Copies the current state to dst.
operator[](std::size_t i) Read-only access to a word i of state — the index is not range checked.
step() Advances the state by a single step.

Precomputed Characteristics

If a State holds \(n\) bits of state, then its transition matrix is a \(n \times n\) matrix over GF(2).

The characteristic polynomial for that matrix is a polynomial \(c(x)\) of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) which we can write as: \[ c(x) = x^n + p(x), \] where the degree of \(p\) is less than \(n\): \[ p(x) = p_0 + p_1 x + \cdots p_{n-1} x^{n-1}. \] This is useful because, as discussed on the jump technique page, if we know the polynomial \(p(x)\), then we can very efficiently advance the state by enormous numbers of steps.

We have precomputed the coefficients of the polynomial \(p(x)\) for all our type aliased recommended state engines and stored them in a compact word form that is returned by the characteristic_coefficients class method.

The compact word form is simply a static std::array that holds n bits that make up the \(n\) coefficients \(p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_{n-1}\) of \(p(x)\). These pre-computed arrays are embedded in the xoshiro.h header file.

The library has these static arrays built in for all the recommended state engines. Calling the characteristic_coefficients method for an arbitrary State will throw an error.

See Also


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