xso::generator — Read Access to the State

We have methods that provide read-only access to the state:

1constexpr word_type operator[](std::size_t i) const;

template<typename Iter>
2constexpr void get_state(Iter dst) const;
Read-only access to the word i of state.
Copies the whole state into the destination dst.
The index i should be less than word_count(). Calls with larger values of i will result in undefined behaviour.


#include <xoshiro.h>
int main()
1    xso::rng g0(1);
    xso::rng g1(2);

    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < xso::rng::word_count(); ++i) {
2        std::cout << "g0[" << i << "] = " << g0[i] << '\t';
        std::cout << "g1[" << i << "] = " << g1[i] << '\n';
Create a pair of generators that are seeded from neighbouring integers.
Print each word of state for the two generators.

Output: Varies from run to run

1g0[0] = 2973750756608955175     g1[0] = 17576013672004619970
g0[1] = 11413743089567126834    g1[1] = 16442790642303457438
g0[2] = 4383533935485149688     g1[2] = 3610580237369810524
g0[3] = 3535799440905119283     g1[3] = 11046704898693758421
Seeded g0 and g1 with neighbouring values.
SplitMix64 was used to mix those seeds up and get them to very different underlying state arrays.

See Also


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