bit::vector::reference — Proxy Class

bit::vector::reference is a publicly accessible nested proxy class that lets users interact with individual elements/bits in a bit-vector.

It is needed because standard C++ types cannot target down to the bit level of precision.

The primary use of this class is to provide an l-value that can be returned from operator[] and operator() in the bit::vector class.

Member Functions

Method Description
constructor The bit-vector methods operator[] and operator() automatically construct a bit::vector::reference as needed.
operator= Assigns a bool to the referenced element.
operator bool Return the value of the referenced element.
set Sets the referenced element in the bit-vector to 1.
reset Sets the referenced element in the bit-vector to 0.
set Flips the referenced element in the bit-vector from 1 to 0 and vice versa.
operator&= Logical AND of the referenced element with a bool on the right-hand side.
operator^= Logical XOR of the referenced element with a bool on the right-hand side.
operator|= Logical OR of the referenced element with a bool on the right-hand side.
operator-= Logical DIFF of the referenced element with a bool on the right-hand side.
operator~ Flips the value of the referenced element from 0 to 1 and vice versa.

See Also


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