bit::vector — Custom Formatting

We specialize the std::formatter class to connect any bit::vector to std::format and friends.

template<std::unsigned_integral Block, typename Allocator>
struct std::formatter<bit::vector<Block, Allocator>> {

As shown in the example below, if \(\mathbf{v}\) is a bit-vector of size \(n\), this std::formatter supports the four different format specifiers:

1std::format("{}", v)
2std::format("{:b}", v)
3std::format("{:p}", v)
4std::format("{:x}", v)
Outputs \(\mathbf{v}\) as a string in the default format \(v_0 v_1 v_2 \ldots v_{n-1}\).
Outputs \(\mathbf{v}\) as a string in a bit-order format \(v_{n-1} v_{n-2} v_{n-3} \ldots v_0\).
Outputs \(\mathbf{v}\) as a string in a “pretty” format \(\lbrack v_0 \; v_1 \; v_2 \; \ldots \; v_{n-1} \rbrack\).
Outputs \(\mathbf{v}\) as a compact hex string.
Any unrecognized specifier will result in the bit-vector string showing an error message. The sample program below has an example.

String Encodings

There are two principal ways we can encode a bit-vector as a string:

Binary String Encodings

The straightforward character encoding for a bit-vector is a binary string containing just 0’s and 1’s, e.g., “10101”. Each character in a binary string represents a single element in the bit-vector.

By default, we encode bit-vectors to binary strings in vector order \(v_0 v_1 \cdots v_{n-1}\). However, methods that read or write binary strings typically have an extra boolean argument, bit_order. This argument always defaults to false, but if present and set to true, then the binary string will encode the bit-vector in bit-order where the least significant bit v0 is on the right, so \(v_{n-1} \cdots v_1 v_0\). Hex-strings ignore the bit_order parameter.

Hex String Encodings

The other supported encoding for bit-vectors is a compact hex-type string containing just the 16 hex characters 0123456789ABCDEF. For example, the string “3ED02”. We allow for hex strings with an optional prefix “0x” or “0X,” e.g. “0x3ED02”.

Hex strings are not affected by a bit_order argument — we ignore that argument.

Each hex character naturally translates to four elements in a bit::vector. The hex string 0x0 is equivalent to the binary string 0000, and so on, up to string 0xF, which is the same as the binary 1111.

The hex pair 0x0F will be interpreted in the vector as 00001111. Of course, this is the advantage of hex. It is a more compact format that occupies a quarter of the space needed to write out the equivalent binary string.

However, what happens if you want to encode a vector whose size is not a multiple of 4? We handle that by allowing the final character in the string to have a base that is not 16. To accomplish that, we allow for an optional suffix, which must be one of _2, _4, or _8. If present, the prefix gives the base for just the preceding character in the otherwise hex-based string. If there is no suffix, the final character is assumed to be hex like all the others.

So the string 0x1 (no suffix, so the last character is the default hex base 16) is equivalent to 0001. On the other hand, the string 0x1_8 (the last character is base 8) is equivalent to 001. Similarly, the string 0x1_4 (the last character is base 4) is equivalent to 01, and finally, the string 0x1_2 (the previous character is base 2) is comparable to 1

In the string 0x3ED01_8, the first four characters, 3, E, D, and 0, are interpreted as hex values, and each will consume four slots in the vector. However, that final 1_8 is parsed as an octal 1, which takes up three slots 001. Therefore, this vector has size 19 (i.e., 4*4 + 3).

If the suffix is present, the final character must fit inside the base given by that suffix. The string 0x3_8 is OK, but trying to parse 0x3_2 will result in a std::nullopt return value because the final character is not either 0 or 1, which are the only valid options for something that is supposed to be base 2.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    auto v = bit::vector<>::random(18);
    std::cout << std::format("Vector default specifier:   {}\n", v);
    std::cout << std::format("Vector bit-order specifier: {:b}\n", v);
    std::cout << std::format("Vector pretty specifier:    {:p}\n", v);
    std::cout << std::format("Vector hex specifier:       {:x}\n", v);
    std::cout << std::format("Vector invalid specifier:   {:X}\n", v);


Vector default specifier:   011100000001100010
Vector bit-order specifier: 010001100000001110
Vector pretty specifier:    [0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
Vector hex specifier:       0xE0811_4

See Also


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