bit::vector — Logical Differences

Compute the logical DIFF of two equal-sized bit-vectors.

template<std::unsigned_integral Block, typename Allocator>
constexpr bit::vector<Block, Allocator>
diff(const bit::vector<Block, Allocator> &u,
1     const bit::vector<Block, Allocator> &v);
Returns a bit-vector w where w[i] = 1 if u[i] != v[i] and 0 otherwise.
The two vectors in question must be of the same size.
Set the BIT_VERIFY flag at compile time to check this condition — any violation will cause the program to abort with a helpful message.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    auto u = bit::vector<>::ones(6);
    auto v = bit::vector<>::checker_board(6);
    std::cout << "diff(" << u.to_string() << ", "<< v.to_string() << ") yields "
              << bit::diff(u, v).to_string() << '\n';


diff(111111, 010101) yields 101010

See Also


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