bit::vector — Access the Block Store

The methods referenced on this page allow you to access the implementation details of the bit::vector class. As such, they should be considered advanced and a last resource!

The primary use case is to implement functionality that should eventually make it into the core bit::vector interface.

Writing directly into the block store can leave the bit::vector in an illegitimate state.
1using block_store_type = std::vector<Block, Allocator>;
As mentioned, the bit-vector elements are packed into unsigned integer blocks. In turn, we collect those blocks in a store of this std::vector type.
1static constexpr std::size_t bits_per_block;
2static constexpr std::size_t blocks_needed(std::size_t n);
The number of bit-vector elements we can store in a single block.
Returns the number of blocks needed to a bit-vector of size n.
1static constexpr std::size_t block_index_for(std::size_t i);
2static constexpr std::size_t bit_index_for(std::size_t i);
Returns the block index containing element i of the bit-vector.
Returns the specific bit position in that block where element i resides.
1constexpr const block_store_type& blocks() const;
2constexpr block_store_type& blocks();
3constexpr Allocator allocator() const
Read-only access to the underlying block store.
Read-write access to the underlying block store.
Read-only access to the memory allocator the underlying block store uses.
1constexpr std::size_t block_count() const;
2constexpr Block  block(std::size_t i) const;
3constexpr Block& block(std::size_t i) ;
Returns the number of blocks that exist in the block store.
Read-only access to block i in the store (the index is never range-checked).
Read-write access to block i in the store (the index is never range-checked).
1constexpr vector& clean();
This sets any extra/junk bits in the last occupied block to 0. It might be helpful if you have written directly into the block store.

Construction from a prefilled store

Sometimes, none of the standard construction methods we provide in vector::constructors work for your application. For those cases, we provide a method to take a block store of bits you have prefilled in some manner and then use those bits directly to construct a bit::vector.

template<typename T>
    requires std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, block_store_type>
1explicit constexpr bit::vector(std::size_t n, T&& blocks, bool is_clean = false);
Create a bit-vector by copying or moving a pre-filled container of blocks.
Your block store must match the block_store_type of the bit::vector you wish to construct. It must also have precisely the correct size — if you are constructing a bit-vector of size n, the store size must equal the value returned from blocks_needed(n).

Suppose my_store is a prefilled store of bits you wish to use to construct a bit-vector of size n. If you invoke the constructor as:

bit::vector v(n, std::move(my_store));

Then my_store is moved directly into place as the bit-vector’s elements. This construction makes no copies of the blocks and will be very efficient. However, if you use this route, my_store will no longer be valid after the call.

On the other hand, if you invoke the constructor as:

bit::vector v(n, my_store);

Then my_store is copied into the bit-vector and remains valid after the call, though unconnected from the bit-vector.

The constructor takes an optional third is_clean argument. If false (the default), the constructor cleans out any junk bits in the final block of the store arguments. You can preempt that cleaning call if you are sure those bits are all zero.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    using vector_type = bit::vector<std::uint8_t>;
    using block_store_type = vector_type::block_store_type;

1    std::size_t n = 22;
    block_store_type blocks(vector_type::blocks_needed(n));
    std::fill(blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), std::numeric_limits<vector_type::block_type>::max());

2    vector_type u{n, blocks};
    std::cout << "bit::vector(" << n << ", blocks)            = " << u    << '\n';
    std::cout << "post-construction blocks size      = " << blocks.size() << '\n';

3    vector_type v{22, std::move(blocks)};
    std::cout << "bit::vector(" << n << ", std::move(blocks)) = " << u    << '\n';
    std::cout << "post-construction blocks size      = " << blocks.size() << '\n';
Fill three 8-bit blocks with ones.
Copy 22 of those bits to a bit-vector and automatically clean out the two junk ones at the end.
Move all the blocks into a bit-vector and automatically clean out the two junk ones at the end.
Now, after the move, the original blocks store is empty!


bit::vector(22, blocks)            = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
post-construction blocks size      = 3
bit::vector(22, std::move(blocks)) = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
post-construction blocks size      = 0

See Also


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