bit::vector — State Queries

1constexpr bool all() const;
2constexpr bool any() const;
3constexpr bool none() const;
Returns true if all the elements in the bit-vector are 1; otherwise, returns false.
Returns true if any elements in the bit-vector are 1; otherwise, returns false.
Returns true if none of the elements in the bit-vector are 1; otherwise, returns false.
Calling these methods for an empty bit-vector is likely an error — if you set the BIT_VERIFY flag at compile time, we throw an exception with a helpful message. If the BIT_VERIFY flag is not set, all() and none() will both return true, while any() will return false.


#include <bit/bit.h>
int main()
    auto v1 = bit::vector<>::zeros(4);
    auto v2 = bit::vector<>::checker_board(4);
    auto v3 = bit::vector<>::ones(4);

        << "vector\t\t" << "all\t" << "any\t" << "none\n"
        << v1 << '\t' << v1.all() << '\t' << v1.any() << '\t' << v1.none() << '\n'
        << v2 << '\t' << v2.all() << '\t' << v2.any() << '\t' << v2.none() << '\n'
        << v3 << '\t' << v3.all() << '\t' << v3.any() << '\t' << v3.none() << '\n';


vector          all     any     none
[0 0 0 0]       0       0       1
[0 1 0 1]       0       1       0
[1 1 1 1]       1       1       0

See Also


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