String Functions


The header <utilities/string.h> supplies several utility functions that work on strings.

Many of the functions come in two flavours. One version alters the input string in place, while the other returns a new string that is a copy of the input appropriately converted, leaving the original untouched.

For example, utilities::upper_case(str) converts str to upper-case in place. On the other hand, utilities::upper_cased(str) returns a fresh string that is a copy of str converted to upper-case. As you will see below, this is the typical naming style used.

There are other functions where this distinction is unnecessary, such as utilities::starts_with(...).

Case Conversions

1void utilities::upper_case(std::string&);
2void utilities::lower_case(std::string&);

3std::string utilities::upper_cased(std::string_view);
4std::string utilities::lower_cased(std::string_view);
Converts a string to uppercase.
Converts a string to lowercase.
Returns a new string, an uppercase copy of the input string.
Returns a new string, a lowercase copy of the input string.
Our case conversions rely on the std::tolower and std::toupper functions, which only work for simple character types.

Trimming Spaces

1void utilities::trim_left(std::string&);
2void utilities::trim_right(std::string&);
3void utilities::trim(std::string&);

4std::string utilities::trimmed_left(std::string_view);
5std::string utilities::trimmed_right(std::string_view);
6std::string utilities::trim(medstd::string_view);
Remove any leading whitespace from the input string.
Remove any trailing whitespace from the input string.
Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the input string.
Returns a new string, a left-trimmed copy of the input string.
Returns a new string, a right-trimmed copy of the input string.
Returns a new string that is a trimmed copy of the input string on both sides.
Our case conversions rely on the std::isspace function to identify whitespace characters.

Replacing Substrings

utilities::replace_left(std::string &str,
                        std::string_view target,
1                        std::string_view replacement);
utilities::replace_right(std::string &str,
                         std::string_view target,
2                         std::string_view replacement);
utilities::replace(std::string &str,
                   std::string_view target,
3                   std::string_view replacement);
utilities::replaced_left(std::string_view str,
                         std::string_view target,
4                         std::string_view replacement);
utilities::replaced_right(std::string_view str,
                          std::string_view target,
5                          std::string_view replacement);
utilities::replaced(std::string_view str,
                    std::string_view target,
6                    std::string_view replacement);
Replace the first occurrence of target in str with replacement.
Replace the final occurrence of target in str with replacement.
Replace all occurrences of target in str with replacement.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with the first occurrence of target changed to replacement.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with the final occurrence of target changed to replacement.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with all occurrences of target changed to replacement.

We also have functions to replace all contiguous white space sequences in a string:

utilities::replace_space(std::string &str,
                         const std::string &with = " ",
1                         bool also_trim = true);
utilities::condense(std::string_view str,
2                    bool also_trim = true);
utilities::replaced_space(std::string_view &str,
                          const std::string &with = " ",
3                          bool also_trim = true);
utilities::condensed(std::string_view str,
4                     bool also_trim = true);
Replaces all contiguous white space sequences in a string with a single white space character or, optionally, something else. By default, the string is also trimmed of white space on both the left and right.
Replaces all contiguous white space sequences in a string with a single white space character. By default, the string is also trimmed of white space on both the left and right.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with all contiguous white space sequences replaced with a single white space character or, optionally, something else. By default, the output string is also trimmed of white space on both the left and right.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with all contiguous white space sequences replaced with a single white space character. By default, the output string is also trimmed of white space on both the left and right.

Erasing Substrings

utilities::erase_left(std::string &str,
1                      std::string_view target);
utilities::erase_right(std::string &str,
2                       std::string_view target);
utilities::erase(std::string &str,
3                 std::string_view target);
utilities::erased_left(std::string_view str,
4                       std::string_view target);
utilities::erased_right(std::string_view str,
5                        std::string_view target);
utilities::erased(std::string_view str,
6                  std::string_view target);
Erases the first occurrence of the target substring in str.
Erases the final occurrence of the target substring in str.
Erases all occurrences of the target substring in str.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with the first occurrence of target erased.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with the final occurrence of target erased.
Returns a new string, a copy of str with all occurrences of target erased.

“Standardizing” Strings

We often need to parse free-form input while looking for a keyword or phrase. Having a facility that converts strings to some standard form is helpful.

1void utilities::remove_surrounds(std::string&);
2void utilities::standardize(std::string&);

3std::string utilities::removed_surrounds(std::string_view);
4std::string utilities::standardized(std::string_view);
Strips any “surrounds” from the input string.
For example, the string “(text)” becomes “text”. Multiples also work so “[[[text]]]” becomes “text”. Only correctly balanced surrounds are ever removed.
Standardize the input string — see below
Returns a new string, a copy of the input with any “surrounds” removed.
Returns a new string, a standardized copy of the input.

The standardize functions give you a string stripped of extraneous brackets, etc. Moreover, the single space character will replace all interior white space, and all leading and trailing whitespace will be removed. So a string like “< Ace of Clubs >” will become “ACE OF CLUBS”.

It is a lot easier to parse standardized strings.


1bool utilities::starts_with(std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix);
2bool utilities::ends_with(std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix);
Returns true if str starts with prefix.
Returns true if str ends with suffix.


We often want to convert a stream of text into tokens. Here are some functions to help with that:

template<std::input_iterator InIter, std::forward_iterator FwdIter, typename Func>
constexpr void
for_each_token(InIter  input_begin, InIter  input_end,
1               FwdIter delims_begin, FwdIter delims_end, Func token_func);

template<typename Container_t>
constexpr void
tokenize(std::string_view input, Container_t &output_container,
2         std::string_view delimiters = "\t,;: ", bool skip = true);

split(std::string_view input,
3      std::string_view delimiters = "\t,;: ", bool skip = true);
Given iterators that bracket the input text and others that bracket the possible token delimiters, this method processes the text and passes each token to a user-supplied function.
Tokenizes the input text string and places the tokens into output_container.
Tokenizes the input text string and returns the tokens as a std::vector of strings.

We have based the for_each_token function on the excellent discussion here.

Function Arguments

Argument Description
input_begin To tokenize the string stored in text input_begin should be std::cbegin(text).
input_end To tokenize the string stored in text input_end should be std::cend(text).
delims_begin If the possible delimiters for the tokens are in the string delims, which might be "\t,;: ", then delims_begin should be std::cbegin(delims).
delims_end If the possible delimiters for the tokens are in the string delims, which might be "\t,;: ", then delims_end should be std::cend(delims).
token_func This will be called for each token: token_func(token.cbegin(), token.cend()).
output_container This container needs to be dynamically resizable and support the emplace_back(token.cbegin(), token.cend()).
skip If true, we ignore empty tokens (e.g., two spaces in a row).
delimiters These are the characters that should delimit our tokens. Tokens break on white space, commas, semi-colons, and colons by default.

Extracting Values

We also have a function that attempts to parse a value from a string.

template<typename T>
1constexpr std::optional<T> possible(std::string_view str);
Tries to read a value of a particular type from a string.

This function uses the std::from_chars function to retrieve a possible simple type from a string. It returns a std::nullopt if it fails to parse the input.


auto x = possible<double>(str);
if(x) std::cout << str << ": parsed as the double value " << x << '\n';

If successful, this function tries to fill x with a double value read from a string and print it on std::cout.

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