Stopwatch Class
The <utilities/stopwatch.h>
header defines utilities::stopwatch
, a simple stopwatch class to measure execution times.
You might use it like this:
::stopwatch sw;
do_workstd::cout << sw << '\n';
The output will be the time taken in seconds for the do_work()
call to run.
template<typename Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>
class utilities::stopwatch;
The header-only class is templatized over the specific clock choice, likely one of the clocks from std::chrono
Our default clock is std::::chrono::high_resolution_clock . Discussions on sites like Stack Overflow instead favour std::chrono::steady_clock . That clock is guaranteed to be monotonic and unaffected by changing the system time, so it is suitable for long-running processes. However, in practice, we primarily examine much shorter code blocks and value accuracy over “steadiness.” We also note that, in any case, the two clocks are often identical!
If the clock choice matters, you can use one of the following type aliases:
::precise_stopwatch = utilities::stopwatch<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>;
utilities::steady_stopwatch = utilities::stopwatch<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
utilities::system_stopwatch = utilities::stopwatch<std::chrono::system_clock>; utilities
We always store elapsed times as a double
number of seconds — this is also contrary to advice that advocates the use of std::chrono::duration
The primary goal for utilities::stopwatch
is ease of use. Sticking to seconds as the standard unit makes everything consistent. Besides, a double number of seconds gives you 15 or 16 places of accuracy, which is enough for any conceivable application.
Use the utilities::stopwatch class for cheap and cheerful performance measurement. It is not a replacement for the many more complete but more complex code profiling tools.
::stopwatch(const std::string& name = ""); utilities
Creates a stopwatch and sets its zero time to now. You can give it a name, which is helpful if multiple stopwatches run in one executable.
Timing Methods
The stopwatch class is kept deliberately simple.
At its core, it measures the elapsed time in seconds from a zero time set on creation or by calling the stopwatch’s reset()
method. It also supports the idea of clicking a stopwatch to record a split time–the time in seconds from the zero point to the click event. Finally, it records a lap time, which is the time between the last two stopwatch clicks. However, it has no memory further back than that.
1constexpr void reset();
2constexpr double elapsed() const;
3constexpr double click();
4constexpr double split() const;
5constexpr double lap() const;
- 1
- Clears out any recorded split time and resets the zero time to now.
- 2
- Returns the number of seconds from the zero_time to now.
- 3
Creates a split by recording the elapsed time in seconds from the zero time to the
call and returns that time. - 4
- Returns the last recorded split time in seconds.
- 5
- Returns the time in seconds between the last two splits — i.e., between the previous two click events.
Other Methods
1const std::string& name() const;
std::string& name();
- 1
- Read-only and read-write access to the stopwatch name field.
Output Functions
template<typename Clock>
std::ostream &
1operator<<(std::ostream&, const utilities::stopwatch<Clock>&);
template<typename Clock>
2struct std::formatter<utilities::stopwatch<Clock>>;
- 1
- The usual output operator for a stopwatch.
- 2
Adds stopwatch support to
These functions output the stopwatch’s elapsed time only. The output will look like “3.2s” without a name. The output will look like “name: 3.2s” with a name. |
Other Functions
template<class Rep, class Period>
constexpr double
1(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>); to_seconds
- 1
This converts a
to adouble
number of seconds.
Example: How efficient is it to put a thread to sleep?
#include <utilities/stopwatch.h>
#include <format>
#include <thread>
int main()
using namespace std::literals;
::stopwatch sw;
for (auto sleep_duration = 0ms; sleep_duration <= 2s; sleep_duration += 200ms) {;
4double sleep_ms = 1000 * utilities::to_seconds(sleep_duration);
5double actual_ms = 1000 * sw.lap();
double diff = actual_ms - sleep_ms;
double percent = sleep_ms != 0 ? 100 * diff / sleep_ms : 0;
std::cout << std::format("Requested sleep for {:8.2f}ms, measured wait was {:8.2f}ms => overhead {:.2f}ms ({:.2f}%)\n",
, actual_ms, diff, percent);
std::cout << "Total elapsed time: " << sw << '\n';
return 0;
- 1
- Create a split.
- 2
- Sleep for a set number of milliseconds.
- 3
- Create a second split and, hence, a lap.
- 4
- Convert the sleep duration to a double number of seconds.
- 5
Get the lap time for that last call to
Requested sleep for 0.00ms, measured wait was 0.00ms => overhead 0.00ms (0.00%)
Requested sleep for 200.00ms, measured wait was 202.96ms => overhead 2.96ms (1.48%)
Requested sleep for 400.00ms, measured wait was 401.59ms => overhead 1.59ms (0.40%)
Requested sleep for 600.00ms, measured wait was 604.82ms => overhead 4.82ms (0.80%)
Requested sleep for 800.00ms, measured wait was 804.06ms => overhead 4.06ms (0.51%)
Requested sleep for 1000.00ms, measured wait was 1001.97ms => overhead 1.97ms (0.20%)
Requested sleep for 1200.00ms, measured wait was 1202.99ms => overhead 2.99ms (0.25%)
Requested sleep for 1400.00ms, measured wait was 1405.10ms => overhead 5.10ms (0.36%)
Requested sleep for 1600.00ms, measured wait was 1603.67ms => overhead 3.67ms (0.23%)
Requested sleep for 1800.00ms, measured wait was 1803.70ms => overhead 3.70ms (0.21%)
Requested sleep for 2000.00ms, measured wait was 2004.82ms => overhead 4.82ms (0.24%)
Total elapsed time: 11.036255763s