The utilities Library

Project Overview

The utilities library is a small collection of C++ classes, functions, and macros. It is header-only, so there is nothing to compile or link.

You can use any header file in this library by itself — there are no interdependencies.

Available Facilities

Header File Purpose
verify.h Defines some assert type macros that improve on the standard one in various ways. In particular, you can add a message explaining why a check failed.
format.h Functionality that connects any class with a to_string() method to std::format.
print.h Workaround for any compiler that hasn’t yet implemented std::print.
macros.h Defines macros often used in test and example programs.
It also defines a mechanism that lets you overload a macro based on the number of passed arguments.
log.h Some very simple logging macros.
stopwatch.h Defines the utilities::stopwatch class you can use to time blocks of code.
stream.h Defines some functions to read lines from a file, ignoring comments and allowing for continuation lines.
string.h Defines several useful string functions (e.g., turning strings to uppercase, trimming white space, etc.).
thousands.h Defines functions to imbue output streams and locales with commas that make it easier to read large numbers — for example, printing 23000.56 as 23,000.56.
type.h Defines the function utilities::type, which produces a string for a type.
utilities.h This “include-the-lot” header pulls in all the other files above.
Microsoft’s old traditional preprocessor is not happy with some of our macros, but their newer cross-platform compatible one is fine. Add the /Zc:preprocessor flag to use that upgrade at compile time. Our CMake module compiler_init does that automatically for you.


This library is header-only, so there is nothing to compile & link. Drop the small utilities header directory somewhere convenient. You can even use any single header file on a stand-alone basis.

Alternatively, if you are using CMake, you can use the standard FetchContent module by adding a few lines to your project’s CMakeLists.txt file:

FetchContent_Declare(utilities URL

This command downloads and unpacks an archive of the current version of utilities to your project’s build folder. You can then add a dependency on utilities::utilities, a CMake alias for utilities. FetchContent will automatically ensure the build system knows where to find the downloaded header files and any needed compiler flags.

That URL downloads the library’s current version — whatever is in the main branch when you do the download. That content may change from time to time. Use a URL like to get a fixed library version.


Here is a link to the project’s source code repository.
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