The bit::polynomial Class


A bit::polynomial represents a polynomial over GF(2) (also known as \(\mathbb{F}_2\)), the simplest Galois Field that has just two elements 0 & 1, where arithmetic is mod 2.

If \(p(x)\) is the bit-polynomial: \[ p(x) = p_0 + p_1 x + p_2 x^2 + \cdots + p_{n-1} x^{n-1}, \] then the argument \(x\) and the polynomial coefficients \(p_0, p_1, \ldots\) are all elements of \(\mathbb{F}_2\).

The bit::polynomial class holds the polynomial coefficients in a bit::vector. Instance methods forward much of their work to that data member. However, some bit-polynomial methods need a separate implementation. For example, bit-vector addition only makes sense for two equal-sized bit-vectors, but of course, we have to be able to add two polynomials of different degrees.

Polynomial size and degree

The size of a bit-polynomial is the number of its coefficients. The degree of a bit-polynomial is the index of the highest non-trivial power in the polynomial. Monic polynomials are nonzero and have no trailing zero coefficients.

Operations on and between polynomials generally can ignore trailing zero coefficients. This can be an important efficiency consideration in some cases.

Algorithms and methods in the bit::polynomial class allow for this, and internally, they work efficiently even if the polynomials are not monic. They do that by reimplementing some core bit::vector functionality to consider only underlying storage blocks, including the one with the highest non-trivial power.

We also note that polynomial methods usually need to treat the zero-polynomial as a special, generally trivial, edge case.


Like everything in the library, this class is in the bit namespace and is defined in the header <bit/polynomial.h> as follows:

namespace bit {
  template<std::unsigned_integral Block = std::uint64_t,
           Allocator = std::allocator<Block>>
  class polynomial;

The bit::polynomial class holds the polynomial coefficients in a bit::vector data member that uses the two template parameters.

The two template parameters add some visual clutter, but they both have reasonable defaults and disappear entirely in most uses. For example, your code might have a simple line like:

bit::polynomial p{32};

This code creates a polynomial with 32 coefficients set to 0 by default.

Template Parameters

Parameter Description
Block = std::uint64_t The polynomial coefficients are packed into blocks of some std::unsigned_integral type. The default size is 64 bits.
Allocator = std::allocator<Block> The default Allocator should be just fine for most purposes, but you can use your custom type to handle all memory allocation/destruction for blocks.

The default Block is 64-bits, the native size for many modern CPUs.

If you need to use many smaller degree bit-polynomials and have concerns about conserving space, you might use a different Block. Perhaps if the bit-polynomials all have degrees that fit in 8 bits, you might have code along the lines:

using poly_type= bit::polynomial<uint8_t>;
poly_type p = ...
In theory, there is no reason that one couldn’t intermingle operations between, say, a bit::polynomial<std::uint32_t> and a bit::polynomial<std::uint64_t>, but doing so efficiently significantly increases code complexity, and the library doesn’t support this.

Class Constants and Types

Item Description
vector_type Alias for bit::vector — the type used to store the polynomial coefficients.
matrix_type Alias for bit::matrix — polynomials can be evaluated for scalar and square bit-matrix arguments of this type.
ndeg A class constant of type std::size_t used to indicate polynomials of “no degree” (the zero polynomial).
reference A proxy sub-class representing an individual polynomial coefficient.

Instance Methods


Method Description
polynomial::constructors Construct bit-polynomials in various ways.
polynomial::power Factory method to generate the polynomial \(p(x) = x^n\).
polynomial::random Factory method constructs a bit-polynomial with random coefficients.


Method Description
polynomial::size How many coefficients are there in this polynomial?
polynomial::empty Does this polynomial have no coefficients? This is treated as a form of the zero polynomial.
polynomial::capacity How many coefficients can the polynomial have without causing memory allocation.
polynomial::zero Is this the zero polynomial \(p(x) = 0\)?
polynomial::nonzero Is this polynomial nonzero?
polynomial::one Is this polynomial \(p(x) = 1\)?
polynomial::constant Is this a constant polynomial \(p(x) = 0 \text{ or } 1\)?
polynomial::degree Returns the degree of the polynomial.
polynomial::monic Is this a monic polynomial (so no trailing zero coefficients).
polynomial::count0 How many zero coefficients does this polynomial have?
polynomial::count1 How many one coefficients does this polynomial have?


Method Description
polynomial::resize Resizes the number of coefficients in the polynomial up or down. Any added coefficients are set to zero.
polynomial::clear Clears all the coefficients from the polynomial so that size() becomes 0.
polynomial::make_monic Eliminates any trailing zero coefficients to make the polynomial monic.
polynomial::shrink_to_fit Attempts to free up any memory that is not used by the polynomial.

Coefficient Access

Method Description
polynomial::operator[] Access a particular polynomial coefficient naturally.
polynomial::get Read-only access to a particular polynomial coefficient.
polynomial::set Write access to a particular polynomial coefficient or all of them at once.
polynomial::reset Write access to a particular polynomial coefficient or all of them at once.
polynomial::coefficients Read-only access to the polynomial coefficients as a bit-vector.
polynomial::set_coefficients Write access to the polynomial coefficients as a bit-vector.

Polynomial Evaluation

Method Description
polynomial::operator() Evaluate the polynomial for a scalar or bit-matrix argument.


Method Description
polynomial::operator+= Adds another polynomial to this one.
polynomial::operator-= Subtracts another polynomial from this one.
polynomial::operator*= Multiplies this polynomial by another one.
polynomial::times_x Multiplies this polynomial by a power of x.
polynomial::squared Returns a new polynomial that is the square of this one.

String Conversion

Method Description
polynomial::to_string Returns a string representation of the polynomial.

Other Instance Methods

Method Description
polynomial::sub Create a distinct sub-polynomial of this one.
polynomial::split Split polynomial \(p(x)\) into \(p(x) = l(x) + x^n h(x)\).
polynomial::reduce Reduces \(x^e\) by this polynomial (\(e\) can be very large).


You can set a compile-time flag to enable extra safety checks. These checks can have a severe performance penalty so typically are only turned on for development.

Method Description
bit_verify This compile-time flag enables extra safety checks.
bit_verify These checks are only done if you set the BIT_VERIFY flag at compile time.

Non-member Functions

Method Description
polynomial::operator+ Add two polynomials to get a new one.
polynomial::operator- Subtract polynomials to get a new one.
polynomial::operator* Multiply two polynomials to get a new one.
polynomial::times_x Multiplies a polynomial by \(x^n\) to get a new one.
polynomial::stream>> Stream output for bit-polynomials.
polynomial::formatter Connect the bit::polynomial class to std::format.
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